Through Faith at the Crossroads, members serve in organizations across the midtown neighborhoods of Indianapolis to promote justice and inclusion across the community.
Spiritual Life
Faith at the Crossroads practices a spirituality based on St. Benedict’s Rule of Life, built on the pillars of Stability, Obedience, and Conversion of Life. Faith at the Crossroads Members commit to living under a rule of life influenced by Benedict’s teaching.
Fridays are set apart from our work sites to give us space to discuss the difficult questions we face as a people of faith and the surprising and joy-filled ways we encounter God in the every day. Every Friday begins with morning prayer and time of reflection on Scripture.
Periodically we welcome community leaders from Faith at the Crossroads or our wider Indianapolis area to guide us in conversations around the stories of the communities we find ourselves in, our place in those stories as we learn to tell our own, and discern how God calls us to join in the work of making our communities whole.
A spiritual director meets with Corps members once a month for group and individual spiritual advice, direction and discernment.
In a typical week, Corps members serve 32 hours a week in their placement sites.
Corps members receive health Insurance, subsidized therapy, a transportation stipend or pass for public transportation, spiritual direction, mentoring, housing, internet, utilities and a $400 monthly stipend and $250/month food budget
Wider Community
Faith at the Crossroads members live in community at St. Benedict’s House, a stately home in midtown Indianapolis on the campus of Trinity Episcopal Church.
Learn more about Faith at the Crossroads.